Staff List

Staff Members at Kyoto University Medical Science and Business Liaison Organization

Tadashi ISA Director Professor, Dean of Graduate School of Medicine
Tsuyoshi OGIKU

Deputy Director Specially Appointed Professor, also holds the post of  Kyoto University Office of Institutional Advancement and Communications(IAC)  / Vice Director, Medical Innovation Center / Senior advisor, Institute for Advancement of Clinical and Translational Science (iACT) Kyoto University Hospital

Yutaka TERSNISHI Liaison* Specially Appointed Professor
Shinobu SUZUKI

Liaison*, WISE Program (Doctoral Program for World-leading Innovative & Smart Education) Program-Specific Professor, also holds the post of Vice-Lead, Kyoto University Office of Institutional Advancement and Communications(IAC)

Yurie NAKAYA Liaison* Program-Specific Associate Professor, also holds the post of Innovation Management Expert, Kyoto University Office of Institutional Advancement and Communications(IAC)
Kazuya KIMURA Liaison* Program-Specific Associate Professor, also holds the post of Innovation Management Expert, Kyoto University Office of Institutional Advancement and Communications(IAC)
Keiko OKANO Liaison* Specially Contracted Staff Member, also holds the post of Innovation Management Expert, Kyoto University Office of Institutional Advancement and Communications(IAC)
Taro YAMAGUCHI Innovation Hub Kyoto, HiDEP Program-Specific Associate Professor
Eriko INUKI WISE Program (Doctoral Program for World-leading Innovative & Smart Education) Program-Specific Assistant Professor, also holds the post of Medical Education Center, Kyoto University
Hiroshi SUZUKI MTA**, Liaison* Program-Specific Associate Professor, also holds the post of Innovation Management Expert, Kyoto University Office of Institutional Advancement and Communications(IAC)
Kyoko NAKAZATO MTA** Specially Contracted Staff Member, also holds the post of Innovation Generalist, Kyoto University Office of Institutional Advancement and Communications(IAC)
Mito OTSUKI MTA** Specially Contracted Staff Member, also holds the post of Innovation Generalist, Kyoto University Office of Institutional Advancement and Communications(IAC)
Keiko UEKAWA MTA** Specially Contracted Staff Member, also holds the post of Innovation Generalist, Kyoto University Office of Institutional Advancement and Communications(IAC)
Chieko NAKAGAWA Administrative staff Specially Contracted Staff Member, also holds the post of Kyoto University Office of Institutional Advancement and Communications(IAC)
Motomi SHIMODA Administrative staff

Liaison* stands for the coordination and negotiation of collaborative research, technology transfers, and other industry-academia collaboration.
MTA** stands for Material Transfer Agreement coordination and contractual procedures.

Collaboration Organization

Kyoto University Research Administration Center (KURA), Medical and Hospital Area

Hiroyuki NAKAHIRA Deputy Director, Medical and Life Sciences Division, Deputy Head of Division, Acting Head of Division Vice Manager, Institute for Advancement of Clinical and Translational Science (iACT) Kyoto University Hospital
Noriyuki NAYA Medical and Life Sciences Division
Hiroyuki TANIGUCHI Medical and Life Sciences Division

Advanced Biomedicine Analysis Laboratory

Masako ABE Program-Specific Assistant Professor
Chie UTSUMI Assistant Technical Staff

Department of Management of Technology and Intellectual Property

Chikako SAOTOME Program-Specific Professor, also holds the post of Kyoto University Office of Institutional Advancement and Communications(IAC)
Chiaki FUJII Administrative staff

Consulting Fellow(2024, in Japanese syllabary order)

Kazuhide OHTA Department Manager, JiMED Inc.
Takeo OZAWA President, Stream Science Inc.
Kazuhiro KANMURI President, Inter-Professional Inc.
Keita KIRIYA Associate, Fast Track Initiative, Inc.
Hiroyuki HASEGAWA Senior Executive Officer & General Manager, Life Science Dept., Mitsubishi UFJ Capital Co., Ltd.
Takashi FUTAMI

Partner, AN Venture Partners

Masayuki MIZOGUCHI Manager, Nippon Boehringer Ingelheim Co., Ltd.
Ryosuke MUNAKATA President, Mesomery, Inc.
Yousuke MORISHITA Product Designer, HILLTOP Technology Laboratory, Inc
Noriyuki YAMAMOTO Founder, CEO, Flox Bio, Inc.
Tomosada YOSHIKAWA Vice President, SUS Co., Ltd.

Lead/Head, Axcelead, Inc./ARCALIS,Inc.