(English follows Japanese)
本年10月9日から11日に横浜パシフィコにて実施される、アジア最大級のマッチングイベントであるBioJapan2024に、KSAC/京都大学として出展いたします。それに先立ち、KANSAI DAY, KYOTO DAYという2つのプレイベントを京都大学にて開催しますので、ぜひご予定ください。
・KANSAI DAY(10月7日(月)@京都大学内):
・KYOTO DAY(10月8日(火)@京都大学内):
京都大学発の最先端の基礎研究の魅力を伝え、発明からイノベーションを生み出すためのきっかけと道筋を産官学の関係者で共に考える機会を提供するイベントです。BioJapan 2024 の前日に実施し、グローバルからも広く聴講者を募ります。
Dear all,
This is an announcement from Innovation Promotion, Institutional Advancement and Communications.
KSAC and Kyoto University will exhibit a joint booth at Bio Japan 2024 in Yokohama on October 9-11.
There will be pre-conference events at Kyoto University. Please mark your calendars and join us!
KANSAI DAY: Oct.7 at Kyoto University
KANSAI DAY will showcase the activities of Kansai Startup Academia Coalition (KSAC), a platform of over 25 universities in the Kansai region to provide full support from industry, government, academia, and financial institutions to University Startups.
KYOTO DAY: Oct.8 at Kyoto University
Kyoto University will host a day to expose you to the richness of Kyoto University’s cutting-edge basic research and invite industry, government, and academia to think together the ways to turn inventions into innovations. The event will be held the day before BioJapan 2024 and will be open to a global audience.
At BioJapan 2024, we will introduce Kyoto University’s research seeds to a large number of companies startups, academia, and research institutions from abroad. If you are interested in these collaborations, we welcome you to participation. Please feel free to contact us for more details.
Innovation Promotion, Institutional Advancement and Communications, Kyoto University
Email: biohubcollab@contracts.med.kyoto-u.ac.jp